Category: Other

From Local Innovation to Global Recognition

By Dulakshi Palihakkara

“Innovation” is the word on the street, being thrown about at every corporate training, webinar and communication to stakeholders, everyone wants to be the leader...

Life of a JKHMT

By Minoshala Nissanka

In 2018, I graduated from the University of Kelaniya with a degree in marketing management, earning the highest GPA in the Faculty of Commerce and Management. In addition...

Challenging the Challenges

By Udara Cumaratunga

My career journey has been driven by the question “are the challenges, challenging?”. This may seem slightly unusual and...

My Run at JKH

By Sheron Fabian

I joined Infomate Pvt Ltd in August 2018 as a Process Associate for the local market, and that...

Organizing the Arrow work-readiness workshops

By Azraa Adjumain

Said Harriet Beecher Stowe, – Harriet Beecher Stowe said “Never give up for that is just the place and time the tide will turn” and that is what organizing these workshops taught me – the perseverance to never give up and this is my experience!