Category: Education

Organizing the Arrow work-readiness workshops

By Azraa Adjumain

Said Harriet Beecher Stowe, – Harriet Beecher Stowe said “Never give up for that is just the place and time the tide will turn” and that is what organizing these workshops taught me – the perseverance to never give up and this is my experience!

Master trainers at work! Volunteering for HIV/AIDS awareness

By Ivan Perera
A human being’s prime responsibility should be to serve other human beings. We as humans have the ability to think and make decisions, we should always use that ability to help and serve mankind and our environment without expecting anything...

HIV/AIDS awareness saves lives!

By Thilini Weerasuriya
The HIV and AIDS awareness initiative was launched in 2005, creating awareness, reducing the spread of the disease and addressing the stigma and discrimination of those...

A rewarding experience as a mentor!

By Hasanka Wijesinghe
One of the initiatives of the John Keells Foundation under the focus area of Education is the vocational training programme for Ordinary Level students awaiting results and school leavers, of the ‘neighbourhood schools’.